For those who might be curious, my resolution needing a revival is my personal health. I am working on increasing my physical activity (the one knock I have on remote work, being in my house and sitting in a chair all day) and being more mindful around snacking habits.

What about you -- what are you looking to renew and revive in your life right now?

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No lie - getting a standing desk was an actual game-changer for my sedentary work flow.

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You know the worst part? I have a standing desk converter, and used to use it a ton. It’s been since moving to our new place that I’ve stopped using it because the desk placement in my office is really awkward to stand in and the floors are hardwood -- I know, easy solution would be an anti fatigue mat 😅

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I needed this check-in! So helpful to recall that the year isn't over and not meeting the mark once isn't a good reason to give up altogether.

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