Poll of the Week
Last Week’s Results: I finally worried you about running out of poll ideas, but you were fooled! I was born for this 😎
What’s new?
I’m out of town most of this week in Atlanta, GA. I’m participating in an intensive with the Phygital Fellows Initiative from the Wesley Impact Partners. I’m not sure what the week will hold yet, but I am looking forward to what I learn (and seeing folks I haven’t seen in quite some time!) Keep up with my excursion on my @nerdpastornate Instragram or on the Story-Feed on our Discord server.
Our Blessing of the Animals went wonderfully
We honored over 50 pets from the-secret-life-of-pets
We blessed several pets who were on the call with us
We remembered our pets we've said goodbye to
We reflected on God's redemptive work through Creation
O God, how wonderful are the works of your hands!

We announced our milestone of 50,000 subscribers on YouTube and challenged our community to get 50 different donations of $50 in honor of 50k. Help us reach that goal by giving here
We’re currently at 15/50 - help us reaching the next milestone!
We started a new Let’s Play on our Twitch Stream - jump in to catch our latest adventure in Bloomtown
We’ve had a ton of new folks join the Discord in the past few months, and it’s had me (NPN) wondering if the time is right for a ‘first-timers’ class. We will take an interest poll of those who would like to attend. Please fill out this survey to let us know you’re interested!
Mark Your Calendars
Nate out of town Oct 7-10
The (New) Usuals
Tuesday - LVL2 Debrief
@ 12pm ESTMoved to Monday at 9am ESTTuesday - TWIG @ 9pm ESTWednesday - Kickoff Stream, followed byLunch w/ CPC on Discord @ 10am ESTFriday - Week End Stream @ 10am EST
Sunday - Mana & Mingle/DLC @ 8pm EST
Important Links
Financial Update
Needed: $11,196.66
Received: $4,242.30