Poll of the Week
Last Weeks Results: Bulbasaur / Squirtle Tie!
What’s new?
The May CheckBox is LIVE! And has a shorter timespan (April 15th). Sign up ASAP!
Open Table Discipleship
Checkpoint has announced a new initiative called Open Table Discipleship. We’ll be creating a workshop that will train church leaders to create a board game night of their own. We’re limiting the first run to just Western North Carolina UMC churches, but we’re hoping to expand in the future, depending on the success of our initial launch.
If you’re a church leader in Western NC UMC, sign up here to learn more!
Mark Your Calendars
Ludogood Crash Day - April 13 @ 12pm EST
DLC - April 21st @ 8pm EST
The Usuals
Tuesday - TWIG followed by Discord Hangout 8-11pm EST
Wednesday - Lunch w/ CPC on Discord at 12pm EST
Friday - Variety Stream @ 10am EST
Sunday - Variety Stream - 8pm-11pm EST
Important Links
Financial Update
#content of Last Week
Just imagine NPN resting 😴
Bible Thump from Love Thy Nerd